It’s time to get out of fight or flight mode.

Does this sound like you....

"I have been dieting and consistently following different programs for SO long but can't seem to get rid of the extra fluff around my stomach. Help!"

“I feel like I need a nap daily, I’m irritable with my family, I’m not sleeping well, and this brain fog!”

The Viral Cortisol Cocktail

Hormone Balancing

Super Hero

  • Triples Weight Loss
  • Regulates Cortisol
  • Balances Hormones
  • Activates AMPK
  • Repairs Metabolism
  • Ignites Libido
  • Improves Mood
  • Restores Restful Sleep
  • Boosts Energy

This powerful drink revitalizes your metabolism, effectively combating Metabolic Overload with a three-step approach:

  • Enzyme Activation: Activating the enzyme AMPK, helping your body burn food for energy instead of storing it as fat.
  • Blood Sugar Balance: Maintaianing balanced blood sugar levels, preventing energy spikes and dips.
  • Craving Control: Reducing cravings, helping you eat less naturally.

Save Big On Your

Purchase Today!

Cortisol balancing protocol targets the midsection, optimizes hormones, helps with fat burning, reduces inflammation, improves sleep, energy, mood.

Zip Is The ONLY

Cortisol Cocktail

That ALSO Activates

Your AMPK Enzyme

Why is that a game changer?

Here are just a FEW of the many benefits people are experiencing.

"I've tried EVERY diet and exercise program out there!"

It's not your fault, and more than likely it's not even the amount of diet or exercise you've been doing (or even not doing).

High cortisol, known as the "stress hormone," can make it hard to lose weight and can even be the CAUSE of stubborn belly fat.

Here's How

  • Increased Appetite: High cortisol makes you crave sugary and fatty foods, leading to overeating.
  • Fat Storage: Cortisol promotes fat storage, especially in the belly area.
  • Insulin Resistance: It can make your body less effective at using sugar, leading to more fat storage.
  • Muscle Breakdown: Cortisol breaks down muscle, slowing your metabolism.
  • Reduced Motivation: Stress can make you feel too tired to exercise.

Cortisol directs fat to the belly and causes inflammation, which promotes belly fat. It also disrupts hormones that control hunger and fat storage, making it harder to manage weight.

Even if you're eating right and exercising high cortisol can still cause weight gain. That's why your body needs extra support!

Say Hello to Zip! Your Cortisol Balancing Super Hero with 2 deicious lemonades a day.

  • Regulates Cortisol
  • Balances Hormones
  • Activates AMPK
  • Repairs Metabolism
  • Ignites Libido
  • Improves Mood
  • Restores Restful Sleep
  • Boosts Energy

So how does Zip get to the root of your problems?

  • Revitalizes your metabolism: effectively combating Metabolic Overload
  • Enzyme Activation: Activates the enzyme AMPK, helping your body burn food for energy instead of storing as fat.
  • Blood Sugar Balance: Maintaines balanced blood sugar levels, preventing energy spikes and dips.
  • Craving Control: Reduces cravings, helping you eat less naturally.
  • Promotes Better: Mood, Sleep, & Energy

I had packed on lots of menopausal weight gain & inflammation. My hormones were a mess! I had just about given up.

I wasn't sleeping, my anxiety was extreme & my metabolism was nonexistent! No matter what I tried (& I tried it all!), the weight kept creeping on.

Since starting the program, l've lost 20 lbs, regained my energy, great nights Sleep and my JOY.



Forget the need for a prescription! Renowned holistic weight loss expert Dr. Drucker has unveiled his secret blend, now available for everyone to use. Get the results you're looking for with the safety of natural ingredients.


You'll drink 1- 2 Zips a day, 30 min - 1 hour before your chosen meals. Most people choose to do an AM/PM pack. This includes a caffeine bag and caffeine free bag. You could opt to drink your first Zip prior to breakfast or lunch and your second before dinner. But any meal combo works, it's completely up to you!


Refreshing! It's going to be a treat you look foward to in your day. You can pick between Blackberry Lemonade and Cherry Limeade. Or, mix and match your bags!


Every 'body' is different and you know your body best. The simple answer is no. Unlike other weight loss drinks Zip isn't loaded with stimulants and laxatives that produce harsh, temporary effects.


The clinical studies have shown that the best results have been seen at 90 days of consistent use. You didn't become tired, inflamed, over weight, stressed and generally unhealthy overnight - results don't come over night either. BUT, many people see positive changes in their first 30 days!


Ensure you are drinking adequate water, follow the Reboot 66 Wellness program that is included with your Zips, get enough sleep, stay consistent with 2 Zips every day and ENJOY the process.


I was stuck at a plateau, no matter what I did, the weight wasn't coming off. When I started this drink I was 178lbs & 6 months later I was down to 135 pounds, a number I hadn't seen on the scale since 2014! My only regret is not trying this sooner!


I am down to 22 pounds and the hubby is down 20. Even once we hit our goals, we will not stop the lemonade as it’s filled with such amazing supplements. Again, thank you so much and I can’t wait to continue our journeys.

I also love being a Coach and helping others.


Taking care of two kids (under 5 right now), I was ALWAYS tired & never had any energy to do the fun “Mom things.” I saw a friend drinking ZipSlim. I had tried everything else;I decided to give it a try. It was the best decision I have made for my health! I am down by 34 pounds & I feel amazing.


I was 257 pounds back in March 2023. I took naps every time I hit the couch. I had high cholesterol & was considered obese by my doctor. Since I started ZipSlim, I have slept much better & gotten calmer. I have more energy for sure. I am now 209 pounds. Never felt better.

Download Your

FREE Copy Of

The Cortisol Reset

A Woman's Guide To

Balancing Cortisol

Helping you understand cortisol's impact with easy-to-implement solutions, including simple recipes, techniques, and mindset tips, to balance hormones and enhance well-being.

  • Regulates Cortisol
  • Balances Hormones
  • Activates AMPK
  • Repairs Metabolism
  • Ignites Libido
  • Improves Mood
  • Restores Restful Sleep
  • Boosts Energy

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary from person to person. When used as directed as part of your diet and exercise program. Always consult medical professional before starting a supplement.

© 2024 Meagan Anderson. All rights reserved. This website and its content, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and all other intellectual property, are the exclusive property of Meagan Anderson. Unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or transmission of any part of this site, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission from Meagan Anderson, is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, the replication of text, design, logos, photos, and videos.

Thank you for respecting our intellectual property rights.